DreamCatchers MedTech Hackathon Hong Kong

Coming Soon in 2019

█ 2018 DreamCatchers MedTech Hackathon Hong Kong

How can we live longer and healthier? Healthy ageing relies on quality, cost-effective preventive care, relevant personalized health knowledge and behavioral change, and improved timely access to quality “sick care”. From AI-assisted screening to precision medicine, and remote sensing to assistive robotics, innovative MedTech solutions can enhance the quality of life for the ageing population and create immense social impact.  However, innovating in health is challenging, requiring interdisciplinary teams of medical professionals, engineers, developers, and designers to tackle unmet needs.

DreamCatchers MedTech Hackathon Hong Kong is co-organised by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP).

The week long hackathon is targeting students from Stanford University and Hong Kong universities, and young professionals from HKSTP to experience Stanford Biodesign methodologies, design thinking, business model canvas, and to work in interdisciplinary teams to come up with prototypes of sustainable healthcare solutions.


Who Should Apply?

  • Talented minds who are keen to transform the healthcare products/services and with strong interests in entrepreneurship
  • Graduate with bachelor degree or the above from Engineering, Computing, Medicine, Design, Business field
  • Medical students OR current students with demonstrated maker movement skills may also apply


What to Expect ?

  1.  Close Encounter with physicians and patients to explore unmet needs at a hospital setting
  2.  Develop prototype on device / app / new tech / service / web service with immediate potential for clinical validation studies
  3.  Compete in interdisciplinary teams for a technically feasible, financially viable and novel digital health solution for unmet care needs at Queen Mary Hospital
  4.  Pitch your business plan to investors and esteemed entrepreneurs from HK, Mainland China and Silicon Valley to win the Grand Prize



Media Coverage



2017 Review:

東方日報:黑客松推動協作 引醫療科技創新致勝方程式
Click HERE

明報:港大生研洗眼器贏科技賽 與史丹福學生合作 助長者防眼乾發炎
Click HERE

經濟日報:醫療科技發明 助長者紓緩眼乾 大專生研智能洗眼機 美容適用
Click HERE

香港01:【MedTech.Hackathon】濃縮版創業體驗 諗橋解決醫生處理不了事情
Click HERE


2016 Review:

【創業】全港首個醫療黑客馬拉松 創新手法解醫療難題

【創業】醫生策劃 專才合作 醫療科技創業料成趨勢

【創業】概念產品改善醫療難題 「醫療駭客馬拉松」圓滿結束

港美青年研製滴眼藥水法寶 眼疾長者好幫手

創新想法改善醫療體系 史丹福與本地精英共同參與香港首屆醫療黑客松


2018 Review:

星島日報:超聲心動圖軟件 提高檢測效率奪冠
Click HERE

「DREAMCATCHERS 醫療科技駭客馬拉松2018」 推動醫療科技改革
Click HERE

縮減超聲心動圖輪候時間 DreamCatchers 醫療黑客松探索自動化醫療創新
Click HERE

Hong Kong Science Park Facebook Page: 【給我七天,用科技改進香港醫療系統】
Click HERE


█ Video Highlights