
Eligibility & Guideline

1.  Both individuals and teams may submit proposals. 2.  Each proposal may include only one idea. Each team can submit one application. 3.  Each individual is allowed to join ONE team as Person-in-Charge but can join more than one team as a member. 4.  For the purposes of this...

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網絡書櫃轉戰繙譯 助App接地氣 – 經濟日報 2015-11-03

早前Greg出席HKU DreamCatchers X PMQ的講座,傳授開拓海外市場兩招,讓初創借鑑。第一招是主動為對方提供價值,OneSky搜索全球不同App開發公司,向他們發送約一張A4大小的Cheat sheet,免費提供各國App市場特色資訊,以及度身建議可開拓的新市場:「結果張Cheat sheet在開發商間廣為流傳,令更多人認識OneSky。」第二招積極參與外國科技界活動、展覽,他稱,參加海外活動非想像中貴:「買fanfares平機票、住Airbnb,一樣可以去!」...

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